
Friday, June 13, 2008

A Clear Conscience

Acts 24:16

When you're tempted to do the wrong thing, do you listen to your conscience or do you just ignore it and keep going? Although sometimes it will seem as through people are acting without a conscience-we all have one. Our conscience is a gift of God that we should care for and give great attention to because it is given to us for our own protection.

Every day we face decisions that involve our conscience, and it sends up red flags when we're about to do something wrong. When our conscience speaks and we ignore it, it's like taking a knife and dulling the edges. It becomes ineffective. If we disregard it enough, we'll make a shipwreck of our life (see 1 Tim.1:18-20)-which means that we will have a disaster of a Christian life.

That's when we are most vulnerable to false doctrines and sin, and it's why people throughout the centuries have worshipped all kind of things. What's happened is their belief system has disappeared. In order to quiet their conscience, they've changed the way they think. They've deliberately chosen to exchange the truth of God for a lie (see Rom.1:21-25). However, no one is going to get away with that. God will allow their heart to be given over to darkness. Whoever violates the laws of God will suffer the consequences.

Is it safe, then, to let our conscience be our guide? Not really. It all depends upon how our conscience has been programmed. Has it been programmed with the Word of God? When the Word of God becomes the grid of truth that protects our conscience, then we know we can respond in the right way. This is because the Holy Spirit enables us to understand the truth and will guide us to do the right thing.

However, understand that the Holy Spirit isn't your conscience. Every person has a conscience-that's why there are people who know right from wrong, even though they aren't Christians. Yet only those who've received Jesus as their Savior have the Holy Spirit. The holy Spirit works in conjunction with our conscience and works to strengthen us and teach us the truth.

We know we can dull our conscience, but the good news is that we can also make it stronger. Paul said, "I myself always strive to have a conscience without offense toward God and men" (Acts 24:16). How do we do that? We program ourselves with the absolute truth of the God's Word. God's way is the best way-it's the only way to find happiness, peace, joy, and eternal security. We have to have His Word and His Spirit as our defense.

Are you going to take heed of your conscience? Are you going to listen to what God is saying to you? Or are you going to do everything your way?

Your conscience is a gift of God to protect you, so you should take good care of it. therefore, get in the Word of God. Obey the leading of the Spirit. Make sure that you program your grid system based on God's truth ;). And strengthen your conscience by seeking God. Then you, too, will have a conscience without offense toward God and men.

1 Comment:

Tamela's Place said...

Hello Angel, very good post. It breaks my heart when i see people who know the truth but choose to believe a lie. When they begin to justify themselves and even go as far as twisting the scriptures to defend themselves. When they get to this point it is hard to tell if conviction of sin is even with them any more. They are walking on thin ice at this point and I just pray that they get off the ice before it breaks under their feet. God Bless you!