
Friday, February 29, 2008

There was a Parting of the Red Sea

Chariot Wheels found at the bottom of the Red Sea -- See pictures below and the route.



You will be surprised to see proof of Pharaoh's chariot and bones of horses and men found in the Red Sea. Evidence of the crossing of the Red Sea .. Pharaoh's drowned army.


Confirmation of the actual Exodus route has come from divers finding coral-encrusted bones and chariot remains in the Gulf of Aqaba. ONE of the most dramatic records of Divine intervention in history is the account of the Hebrews' exodus from Egypt.

The subsequent drowning of the entire Egyptian army in the Red Sea was not an insignificant event, and confirmation of this event is compelling evidence that the Biblical narrative is truly authentic. Over the years, many divers have searched the Gulf of Suez in vain for artifacts to verify the Biblical account. But carefully following the Biblical and historical records of the Exodus brings you to Nuweiba, a large beach in the Gulf of Aqaba , as Ron Wyatt discovered in 1978.
Repeated dives in depths ranging from 60 to 200 feet deep (18m to 60m), over a stretch of almost 2.5 km, has shown that the chariot parts are scattered across the sea bed. Artifacts found include wheels, chariot bodies, as well as human and horse bones. Divers have located on the Saudi coastline opposite Nuweiba as well.
Since 1987, Ron Wyatt found three four-spoke gilded chariot wheels. Coral does not grow on gold, hence the shape has remained very distinct, although the wood inside the gold veneer has disintegrated making them too fragile to move.


The hope for future expeditions is to explore the deeper waters with remote cameras or mini-subs. (ABOVE GILDED CHARIOT WHEEL - Mute witness to the miracle of the crossing of the Red Sea by the Hebrews 3,500 years ago. Found with a metal detector. Coral-encrusted chariot wheel, filmed off the Saudi coastline, matches chariot wheels found in Tutankhamen's tomb.


Mineralized bone, one of many found at the crossing site (above center). This one tested by the Department of Osteology at Stockholm University, was found to be a human femur, from the right leg of a 165-170cm tall man. It is essentially 'fossilized, ' i.e., replaced by minerals and coral, hence cannot be dated by radiocarbon methods, although this specimen was obviously from antiquity. Chariot wheel and axle covered with coral and up-ended. Exodus 14:25 'And took off their chariot wheels, that they drove them heavily...' Solomon's memorial pillars.
When Ron Wyatt first visited Nuweiba in 1978, he found a Phoenician style column lying in the water. Unfortunately the inscriptions had been eroded away, hence the column's importance was not understood until 1984 when a second granite column was found on the Saudi coastline opposite -- identical to the first, except on this one the inscription was still intact!

In Phoenician letters (Archaic Hebrew), it contained the words: Mizraim (Egypt ); Solomon; Edom ; death; Pharaoh; Moses; and Yahweh, indicating that King Solomon had set up these columns as a memorial to the miracle of the crossing of the sea. Saudi Arabia does not admit tourists, and perhaps fearing unauthorized visitors, the Saudi Authorities have since removed this column, and replaced it with a flag marker where it once stood.


How deep is the water? The Gulf of Aqaba is very deep, in places over a mile (1,600m) deep. Even with the sea dried up, walking across would be difficult due to the steep grade down the sides. But there is one spot where if the water were removed, it would be an easy descent for people and animals. This is the line between Nuweiba and the opposite shore in Saudi Arabia.


Depth-sounding expeditions have revealed a smooth, gentle slope descending from Nuweiba out into the Gulf. This shows up almost like a pathway on depth-recording equipment, confirming its Biblical description, '...a way in the sea, and a path in the mighty waters.' (Isaiah 43:16)
The Bible writers frequently refer to the miracle of the Red Sea crossing, for it was an event which finds no equal in history. The Hebrew prophets describe the sea at the crossing site as '...the waters of the great deep...the depths of the sea...' (Isaiah 51:10)
Knowing the exact spot to which the Bible writers were referring, what is the depth there? The distance between Nuweiba and where artifacts have been found on Saudi coast is about 18km (11 miles).



Along this line, the deepest point is about 800m (2,600 feet). No wonder that Inspired writers of the Bible described it as the mighty waters. And no wonder that not a single Egyptian survived when the water collapsed in upon them. ( Above right NUWEIBABEACH- the spot where the crossing began).

DAVID: The Joy of Forgiveness

Psalm 32:1-11

Psalm 32 is David's confession of his sin with Bathsheba. He wrote it after his encounter with the prophet Nathan, and probably after he had spent time alone with God in prayer and repentance.

If we were to give this psalm a title, a good one would be The Joy of Forgiveness. David writes; "Blessed is he whose transgressions is forgiven, whose sin is covered." "How blessed" can be translated, "How happy!"

Sin blocks our fellowship with the Lord. It also keeps us from experiencing God's goodness.David could not enjoy the sweetness of God's presence so long as he had not repented of his sin.

When you find yourself discouraged because you have repeated a certain sin, turn to God in prayer. Ask Him to apply His forgiveness to your life and receive His mercy. He loves you and wants to enjoy your fellowship once again.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

How Do You Keep Your Focus on God and Not on the Obstacles in Your Life?

Numbers 14:8-9

When we perceive a threat to our well being or an obstacle standing between us and our goals, we often fear that the overall plan for our lives is in serious jeopardy.

In those times, we need to remember the promises of God.

When the Israelite spies set out on a reconaissance mission to assess the land of Canaan, they had no idea what they would encounter. It was a great honor to be chosen by Moses for such an assignment and Moses selected the top leader from each of the 12 tribes for the job.

Yet all their training and leadership experience did not prepare them for something so overwhelming. Who had ever heard of a grape cluster so huge that it had to be carried on a pole lifted by two men? Who could possibly be prepared for Canaanite warriors so massive they dwarfed the best of Israel's army? It is no wonder these spies felt a whirling mix of emotions as they headed back to their commander-in-chief to give a full report.

You can imagine the scene. Moses and Aaron (Moses' brother) gathered the people to hear the news. The spies confirmed that the Promised Land was indeed everything God said it was-but they focused on what they saw as the obstacles to their taking the land, namely the giants who lived there. They gave an accurate report, but they failed to give the whole story. Only Joshua and Caleb spoke the truth.

These faithful men recounted what they had seen and then reiterated, in their own words, the promises of God that had brought them to his point: "If the Lord delights in us, then He will bring us into this land and give it to us, 'a land which flows with milk and honey.' Only do not rebel against the Lord, nor fear the people of the land, for they are our bread; their protection has departed from them, and the Lord is with us. Do not fear them" (Num. 14:8-9). Joshua and Caleb lived to see the Promised Land, but only because they focused on the goal God had laid out for them and not on the obstacles standing in the way.

The blessings God has in store for you are just as rich! Never allow shortsighted vision-especially one focused on obstacles-to block the far-reaching plan of the Lord.

Friday, February 22, 2008

What To Do In Times of Adversity?

Psalms 31:13-15

Part of life is facing adversity, even the kind of adversity that challenges our faith. King David provides us some great advice when it comes to facing times of adversity.

As part of his final blessing to his son Solomon, David said to him, "You will prosper, if you take care to fulfill the statutes and judgments with which the Lord charged Moses concerning Israel. Be strong and of good courage; do not fear nor be dismayed" (I Chr.22:13).

That's good advice for us today too. it's still true that obedience always bring blessing. Time and again in the Law of Moses, we find the word keep. The children of Israel were commanded to keep the feasts, to keep the law and commandments, to keep the Sabbath day holy, to keep their oaths to God, to keep themselves from evil. Moses said to the children of Israel as he led them into a covenant relationship with God, "Therefore keep the words of this covenant, and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do" (Deut. 29:9).

To keep means to hold fast and to cherish at the same time. When adversity strikes, that should be our mind-set: above all else, we need to hold fast to the Lord and to cherish our relationship with Him. Rather than blame God or turn from God,we need to turn to God and rely on His help. Keeping God's laws in the face of adversity actually leads us toward prosperity-a better state of being.

When adversity hits, those around you may criticize you for clinging to faith or reaffirming your belief that God is a good and benevolent heavenly Father. They may mock you or scorn you. Don't feel dismayed if that happens. Continue to keep God's word and remain faithful in your relationship with the Lord. Remember what David said: "I hear the slander of many; fear is on every side; while they take counsel together against me, they scheme to take away my life. But as for me, I trust in You, O Lord; I say, "you are my God." My times are in your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies" (Ps. 31:13-15).

Ask the Lord to give you courage to withstand the hurtful comments of others and to be able to give a bold witness about God's power and presence even in your time of trouble.

Monday, February 18, 2008

Celebrating Others

Do you delight in the victories of others? You should. Each day offers opportunities to encourage others and to praise their good works. When you do so, you spread seeds of joy and happiness.

Too often, we allow ourselves to become so overwhelmed by the demands of daily life that we forget to "talk happiness" to our family members and friends.

Life is a team sport, and all of us need occasional parts on the back from our teammates. So be cheerful, with a smile on your face and encouraging words on your lips. By blessing others, you'll also bless yourself. And when you do, God smiles.

Proverbs 3:27 (NLT)

"Do not withold good from those who deserve it."


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Should I Tithe When I am Struggling Financially?

Mark 8:34-36

From a human perspective, the Bible is a book of paradoxes. It says, for example, that if we really want to have life, we must first lose it (Matt. 10:39). If we want to understand the authority, we must first become a servant (Matt 20:26-27). If we want to get ahead in life, we must first humble ourselves (I Peter 5:6).
And giving to God is the first step toward financial freedom.

"Wow," you say. "How can I give God anything when I can't even pay my bills? Doesn't God expect me to take care of my debts first?"

At first glance, such a response sounds reasonable. The problem is, it's not God's response. He insists that if we don't give, then we are robbing Him-and we will end up in worse financial shape than ever.

We should always keep in mind that God gives us this tenth in the first place. It never is ours: "All things come from You, and of Your own we have given You" (I Chr. 29:14). The tithe is our way to renew God's blessing in our lives. It is always for our increase.

God's promises have been tried and proven. This includes the promises regarding tithing, "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse," the Lord tells us. And then He adds, "Try Me now in this" (Mal. 3:10).

God invites us to try Him, to prove His wisdom, to test His truth. What a bold challenge! Will we take it up? If we do, He promises to open the "windows of heaven" and pour out blessing for you until it overflows (Mal. 3:10).

The challenge involves a tithe-a tenth of your income. That may frighten you; but remember, since God owns it all, He is asking only for a penny back out of every dime. He doesn't need the money; He simply wants us to discover the rewards of obedience.

Giving is God's supernatural means of priming the pump of divine supply. We initiate it by faith, not reason. Giving to God is the prerequisite for enjoying true financial freedom.

If you feel afraid to give a tenth of your income, then at least start somewhere. When you start to give and realize the wisdom of God's economic plan, it won't be long until you will be giving a tenth of your income-or even more.


Friday, February 8, 2008

The Wisdom to Be Grateful


If you find yourself regularly attending gripe sessions or pity parties, ask yourself: What am I not doing to improve my situation?

It's time to cease all self-pity and get busy. On the canvas of life, it's never too late to paint a beautiful picture. :)

Philippians 2:14-15 (NCV)
"Do everything without complaining or arguing. Then you will be innocent and without any wrong."


Thursday, February 7, 2008

Tithing and Giving


In Malachi 3:8-12, God clearly teaches us that we are to give Him a tithe, which is 10% (the word tithe is based on the number ten in Hebrew.) God has set forth very specific directives about what He expects us to give back to Him.

People normally made offerings for speific reasons-to meet a special need, for example, or thanksgiving for a special blessing. The children of Israel gave such a generous offering at the time they built the tabernacle that Moses actually had to tell them to stop giving (Exodus 35:4; 36:7)!

The tithe is given to God from our increase and for our increase. It is the way we open the door of our finances to give and then to receive God's blessing. When we give the first 10th of our earnings back to God, we return to Him what was His in the first place, and what He asks us to give Him so that He might give us even more.

The Lord is very specific in the way we are to give our tithes and offerings:

First, we are to bring them into a storehouse. Generally, that meant His tabernacle or temple in the Old Testament, and the church in the New testament. We are to give our tithes whenever we regularly worship the Lord-not a mere charitable work, but to a work that bears the Lord's name.

Second, we are to make our gifts on a regular basis. Paul advised the Corinthians, "On the first day of the week let each one of you lay something aside, storing up as he may prosper, that there be no collections when I come." (I Cor. 16:2).

Third, we are to make our gifts joyfully. People who give grudgingly, solely from a sense of duty, do not truly open up their lives to God's prosperity. (2 Cor. 9:7-8). The joy in our hearts about giving is a direct expression of our trust in God to meet our needs.


Monday, February 4, 2008

How Can I Get to Really Know God?


Did you know that God wants to show you more of Himself every day? He does. He wants a living, vibrant relationship with you.

Psalm 27:8 says, "When you said, "Seek My face, my heart said to You, Your face Lord, I will seek."

Are you seeking after God with all your strength? Does your time with the Lord revitalizes you, or does it feel more like a ritualistic experience?

To Better Know God:
  • You must come to Him honestly. - Confessing your sins and inviting Jesus Christ into your heart requires you to be vulnerable-yet it is the best decision anyone can ever make.
  • You must understand your reliance upon Him. - You must come to the point where you understand that God is your only source of comfort and power.
  • You must become interested in what interests Him. - Ask the Lord to restore your longing for Him, and for the things that most concern Him.
  • You must know His word. - By reading the Bible, you open your heart to Him. He has given you the Holy Spirit to help you interpret His Word, and He wants you to meditate on it so you can apply it to your life.
  • You must observe His characteristics and ways. - Read the promises that God makes in His word. Ask Him to remind you of how He has already worked in your life.
  • You must accept His invitations and follow His commands. - God is constantly inviting you to walk with Him. Give the Lord total control of your decisions, your time, your talents, and your possessions.

Your knowledge of God grows as you increasingly recognize His love for you. God delights in your joyful praise and worship of Him.

As you get to know God on deeper levels, your ability to trust and obey Him will increase. You will find your life's fulfillment when you come to know and exalt the Lord of all creation.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Relationships Built Upon Honesty

"Honesty is the best policy, but it is not always the easiest policy. Sometimes, the truth hurts, and sometimes it's tough to be a woman of integrity. Tough, but essential.
Integrity is built slowly over a lifetime. It's the sum of every right decision and every honest word. it is forged on the anvil of honorable work and polished by the twin virtues of honesty and fairness. Integrity is a precious thing - difficult to build but easy to tear down. We must make certain that we weave integrity into the fabric of our lives, beginning now and ending never.
According to Catherine Marshall, an author, "the single most important element in any human relationship is honesty - with oneself, with God, and with others." Wise women agree.

Ephesians 4:25 (ICB)

Tell each other the truth because we all belong to each other.